2023 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trends

The effects of the pandemic have subsided, but the change in the business world continues. Employees’ fears, hopes, concerns, search for meaning and the change they want to create in their lives make it increasingly difficult for employers to access talent.  This challenge is one of the reasons why the issue of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) has been on the agenda for the last two years. DE&I is the most tangible solution to the global talent crisis.

Companies that practice diversity have a much richer pool of candidates.

They are able to generate much more innovative ideas.

Equity and inclusion increase employee retention rates.

Inclusive workplace cultures outperform non-inclusive ones.


In 2022, diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) were among the most important agenda items. So what are the predictions for 2023?

  1. DE&I Professionals required

Companies have started to make a place for DE&I specialists who are focused on the vision and mission of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.  This role is a mix of HR, recruitment and leadership roles and responsibilities. DE&I specialists are responsible for leading activities to raise awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion within the company, building the necessary infrastructure to create an inclusive culture, coming up with new ideas to improve DE&I, encouraging the use of inclusive language, and seeking solutions by responding to complaints such as compromising, discrimination, etc.

  1. Leader formation that believes in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Since it is impossible to talk about change without leaders, it is crucial for management teams to be one step ahead of everyone in the company in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion. 2022 was the year when leaders recovered from the pandemic, experienced new working models, dealt with the economic challenges that affected the whole world, and tried to understand the new point reached by human management. Although economic difficulties will continue, leaders now have to add the following item to their New Year’s goals: What should I improve on this year? It is time for human resources professionals, who have prioritised employees in learning and development activities until now, to focus decisively on leaders.

  1. DE&I is on the HR agenda and HR is at the centre of company strategy

The topic of “HR should be the strategic partner of management”, which has been a subject of discussion for the last two decades, disappeared with the pandemic. The global business community, accustomed to having CEOs and CFOs pull companies out of crises, has become more acutely aware of the importance of CHROs in the people management crisis that has occurred during and after the pandemic. Professionals responsible for people management took their place at the heart of company strategies – as it should be – and HR professionals who fulfil this responsibility achieved great success. 2023 will be the year when HR professionals will consolidate their place in management teams. Of course, if they are adequately equipped and have vision… This vision should include policies of diversity, equity and inclusion.

  1. Personalized experience is possible with DE&I

At the heart of efforts to improve the employee experience is diversity, equity and inclusion. Companies now recognise that they have to tailor their practices to different needs, expectations, and employee characteristics. It is not possible to implement an application and expect everyone to be satisfied. Employee support programs are shaped in line with the axis of diversity, equity and inclusion.

  1. Remote working and DE&I intertwined

During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had no choice but to adopt the” work-from-home” model. Although people are gradually returning to their workplaces after the pandemic, the remote working model remains permanent. Diversity, equity and inclusion policies are also of great importance at this point. It must be recognized that the remote workforce has different living conditions. Since not everyone’s working conditions are equal, a system should be created to adapt to these conditions. The disadvantages of remote working for women fuels gender inequity. The opportunities that women miss because they are away from the office environment -or their fears that this will be the case- should be eliminated, and a proper performance management system should be implemented.

  1. You should have your DE&I check-up in 2023

The perception of diversity, equity and inclusion varies from person to person. If you think your company does not have a problem in that sphere, take a look at the research conducted by the Integrating Women Leaders Foundation (IWL):

Men see themselves as advocates of gender equity in the office. Women, on the other hand, approve of this opinion only at the level of 45 per cent.

More than half of men (60 per cent) see clear progress in their company’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) practices. According to women, this figure is 46 per cent.

The difference in opinion between men and women is evidence that employees’ perceptions are completely different. You should see your diversity, equity and inclusion scorecard through the eyes of your employees, analyse it meticulously and take your actions based on this analysis.