Why Moodivation?

Moodivation, your new generation technology platform that creates analysis, survey, feedback and development opportunities, continues to grow with your feedback.

In this article, we have compiled 6 points that the Moodivation experts have prepared to help you position Moodivation as an integral part of your people management processes.

Here are 6 different angles to help you see Moodivation from a different perspective.


Don’t ask yourself what the employees think.

Ask them.

In one of our meetings, our client, at the level of decision maker, said: “It is sometimes very difficult to know what employees are thinking”. We know it is hard, and we have developed a great technology that can take that challenge away.  Isn’t it easier to ask employees instead of thinking about what the innovations you bring, the steps you take, or even the things you plan mean to them? You may be wondering what their feelings are about big change projects or the change of catering company… Has it had an impact on their lives? How do they welcome this change? Do they have any suggestions?  A simple set of questions makes it easier to find out what employees think/feel.


You find out they’re planning to leave with a letter of resignation.

However, you could have managed the process.

There are reasons that push employees to leave and a process related to them.  If there is not a very exceptional situation, it may be possible to manage this process.  Imagine learning during the exit interview or survey that a high talent employee who feels that he/she has been mobbed for a long time. This is a critical issue not only for him/her, but also for the company. Employees should be able to share all the problems they experience during the process either using their names or anonymously using Moodivation.  This anonymous or open feedback gives you the opportunity to produce solutions. From this point of view, Moodivation is a unique tool that creates time and solution opportunities for decision makers.


Do you act on instinct in learning and development processes?

How about insights?

Leadership and managerial instincts are invaluable. However, institutions can be supported by instincts, but they cannot be ruled by instincts.  Analyse insights about development opportunities, which 30 percent of employees cite as the most important reason for engagement. Use Moodivation to identify development areas, see the results of learning and development programmes, and make future planning based on these results.


The importance of having a “corporate virus scan”.

It’s not important, it’s vital!

Corporate virus scanning is a concept invented and frequently used by the Moodivation team. What we describe as virus scanning is to get employee feedback on a general or specific issue. If it turns out that viruses are proliferating within the company, quickly develop vaccines or take more radical measures. The coronavirus has taught us all how big effects a spreading virus can have. Sometimes viruses we ignore can cause significant collapses in employee engagement. And that means damage across the board.


Remember the great line from Avatar 2!

“I see you.”

In fact, one of the main goals of all of us is to be visible, to be recognised, to be valued. If an employee uses Moodivation technology effectively, they are making an effort to share their feelings with you.  Seeing and responding to this effort and making use of it in planning show that you value their contributions.  Moodivation is the new generation method of saying “I see you”.


Is everyone safe and well?


Lack of tolerance for differences, discrimination, and favouritism, and sometimes even racist tendencies. Are these concepts too far away from your company? Are you sure? There is a possibility that our employees are making silent cries. For some, unemployment anxiety can have a greater impact than you might think. They cannot talk about their problems, are pressurised by managers and are psychologically damaged. Do you have a strategy to intervene in such situations? Is everyone in your company accepted for their sexual identity, language, religion, appearance, age and lifestyle? Is everyone safe and well? Really?